In the movie Confidential Informant 2023, directed by Michael Oblowitz, a former undercover agent, Jack Sullivan, is blackmailed into becoming a confidential informant for a powerful crime syndicate. Desperate to protect his family, Jack is forced to infiltrate a dangerous criminal underworld while working covertly with a determined FBI agent, Sarah Thompson. As the lines between loyalty and betrayal blur, Jack must navigate treacherous alliances and risk everything to expose the syndicate’s operations. Packed with intense action sequences and gripping suspense, “Confidential Informant” explores the moral dilemmas and personal sacrifices faced by an undercover operative in the pursuit of justice. Watch more Flixtor movies free online streaming within a click.
Title: Confidential Informant (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Thriller
Director: Michael Oblowitz
Writer: Michael Kaycheck, Brooke Nasser, Michael Oblowitz
Stars: Andrea Abreu, Kate Bosworth, Dianna Camacho